It is also ideal for sub-contractors engaged in Construction Divisions 2-9 including site excavation, concrete, asphalt, roofing, drywall, painting, flooring, tile, stucco, framing and finishing sub-contractors. Our software is best for general contractors engaged in commercial construction, heavy/highway/ industrial construction and residential home building. And the results are easily saved and stored to the cloud. Thanks to a scalable platform - it's faster and easier to create, monitor, and manage estimates, takeoffs, reports, contracts and profitability. Our revolutionary products are changing how construction companies do business. What if you could produce construction estimates in half of the time? What is it worth to have your takeoff and estimate clearly organized with a clear, concise audit trail? How useful is it to have your takeoff quantities created automatically in Microsoft Excel? How important is it to create the entire takeoff and estimate with very few keystrokes? What if your bids were more competitive and you’re estimates resulted in more profitable jobs? With Vertigraph’s takeoff and estimating software, you can achieve all that. Vertigraph is Changing How Construction Companies Do Business Vertigraph’s takeoff and estimating software is ideal for general contractors, sub-contractors and professionals that are seeking to takeoff and estimate construction projects quickly, easily and accurately in Microsoft Excel. And both BidScreen XL and SiteWorx/OS allows you to organize this digital takeoff directly in Microsoft Excel where you’ll estimate the cost.

Our best in the industry takeoff software lets you craft and organize a list of everything that is needed to construct any type of project. In order to create a construction estimate and bid, you need top-notch takeoff software that quickly, easily and accurately lists the quantities so that your cost estimate is accurate and profitable. Having accurate quantities is critical to your estimating success. If your quantities are wrong, the estimate will also be wrong. The Construction Estimate, used to bid the project, is completed by applying unit costs to the quantities taken off. The takeoff determines the amount of materials, labor, equipment and subcontractor costs required to construct the project. The Quantity Takeoff is the most important part of the construction estimate. Save Time & Improve Accuracy with Easy to Use Construction Quantity Takeoff and Estimating Software